
Showing posts from March, 2019

Solution : Sociology: A Down-To-Earth Approach [RENTAL EDITION], 14th Edition Test Book

29.99$ Category : Higher Education Sociology: A Down-To-Earth Approach [RENTAL EDITION], 14th Edition by James M. Henslin, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Table of Contents 1. The Sociological Perspective 2. Culture 3. Socialization 4. Social Structure and Social Interaction 5. How Sociologists Do Research 6. Societies to Social Networks 7. Bureaucracy and Formal Organizations 8. Deviance and Social Control 9. Global Stratification 10. Social Class in the United States 11. Sex and Gender 12. Race and Ethnicity 13. Aging and the Elderly 14. The Economy 15. Politics 16. Marriage and Family 17. Education 18. Religion 19. Medicine and Health 20. Population and Urbanization 21. Collective Behavior and Social Movements 22. Social Change and the Environment Solution : Sociology: A Down-To-Earth Approach [RENTAL EDITION], 14th Edition Test Book , James M. Henslin, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville

Solution : Infants and Children: Prenatal Through Middle Childhood, 6th Edition Test Book

29.99$ Category : Higher Education Infants and Children: Prenatal Through Middle Childhood, 6th Edition by Laura E. Berk, Illinois State University Table of Contents I. Theory and Research in Child Development   1. History, Theory, and Research Strategies The Field of Child Development Basic Issues Historical Foundations Mid-Twentieth-Century Theories Recent Theoretical Perspectives Comparing Child Development Theories Studying the Child   II. Foundations of Development   2. Biological and Environmental Foundations Genetic Foundations Reproductive Choices Environmental Contexts for Development Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment   3. Prenatal Development Motivations for Parenthood Prenatal Development Prenatal Environmental Influences Preparing for Parenthood   4. Birth and the Newborn Baby The Stages of Childbirth Approaches to Childbirth Medical Interventions Birth

Solution : College Reading and Study Skills Plus MyLab Reading with eText Package, 12th Edition Test Book

29.99$ Category : Higher Education College Reading and Study Skills Plus MyLab Reading with eText Package, 12th Edition by Kathleen T. McWhorter, Niagara County Community College Brette M Sember, Niagara County Community College Table of Contents Preface    Part One: Building a Foundation for Academic Success   Success Workshops:       1.   Learn Everything You Can in the First Week 2.  Learn About and Use Campus Resources4 3. Use College Textbooks   Chapter 1      Setting Goals and Managing Your Time6 Why Set Goals and Manage Your Time? Establishing Your Goals and Priorities Analyzing Your Time Commitments Building a Term Plan Building Your Weekly Schedule Time-Saving Tips for Students with Busy Schedules Fighting the Tendency to Procrastinate Using College Textbooks: Keeping Up with Reading Assignments Self-Test Summary Applying Your Skills      Discussing the Chapter     Analyzing a Study Situation     W

Solution : Elementary Statistics in Social Research, 12th Edition Test Book

29.99$ Category : Higher Education Elementary Statistics in Social Research, 12th Edition by Jack A. Levin, Northeastern University James Alan Fox, Northeastern University David R. Forde, University of North Texas at Dallas Table of Contents Brief Table of Contents:   Chapter 1:     Why the Social Researcher Uses Statistics   PART ONE:  Description Chapter 2:     Organizing the Data Chapter 3:     Measures of Central Tendency  Chapter 4 :     Measures of Variability   PART TWO: From Description to Decision Making Chapter 5:     Probability and the Normal Curve Chapter 6:     Samples and Populations   PART THREE: Decision Making  Chapter 7 :     Testing Differences between Means    Chapter 8 :     Analysis of Variance Chapter 9 :     Nonparametric Tests of Significance       PART FOUR: From Decision Making to Association Chapter 10:   Correlation Chapter 11 :   Regression Analysis Chapter 12 :    Nonparametric M

Solution : Economics 12th edition Test Book

29.99$ Category : Economics Economics 12th edition by Michael Parkin Table of contents: Chapter 1 What Is Economics? Chapter 2 The Economic Problem Chapter 3 Demand and Supply Chapter 4 Elasticity Chapter 5 Efficiency and Equity Chapter 6 Government Actions in Markets Chapter 7 Global Markets in ActionChapter 8 Utility and Demand Chapter 9 Possibilities, Preferences, and Choices Chapter 10 Organizing Production Chapter 11 Output and Costs Chapter 12 Perfect Competition Chapter 13 Monopoly Chapter 14 Monopolistic Competition Chapter 15 Oligopoly Chapter 16 Public Choices, Public Goods, andHealthcare Chapter 17 Externalities Chapter 18 Markets for Factors of Production Chapter 19 Economic Inequality Chapter 20 Uncertainty and Information Chapter 21 Measuring GDP and EconomicGrowth Chapter 22 Monitoring Jobs and Inflation Chapter 23 Economic Growth Chapter 24 Finance, Saving, and Investment Chapter 25 Money, the Price Level, andInflation Chap

Solution : Nutrition, Health and Safety for Young Children: Promoting Wellness, 3rd Edition Test Book

29.99$ Category : Higher Education Nutrition, Health and Safety for Young Children: Promoting Wellness, 3rd Edition by Joanne Sorte, Oregon State University Inge Daeschel, Oregon State University Carolina Amador, Community Health Centers of Benton and Linn Counties Table of Contents Part One: Promoting Wellness             1          Your Role in Children’s Wellness    Part Two: Promoting Good Nutrition             2          The Foundations of Optimal Nutrition              3          The Science of Nutrition             4          Feeding Infants             5          Feeding Toddlers, Preschoolers, and School-Age Children             6          Menu Planning             7          Food Safety   Part Three: Promoting Healthful Practices             8          Creating a Climate of Health and Wellness             9          Health Screening and Assessment             10         Managing Infectious Disease             11         Teachin

Solution : Economics for Managers, 2nd Edition Test Book

29.99$ Category : Higher Education Economics for Managers, 2nd Edition by Paul G. Farnham, Georgia State University Table of Contents PART 1 MICROECONOMIC ANALYSIS 1 Managers and Economics 2 Demand, Supply, and Equilibrium Prices 3 Demand Elasticities 4 Techniques for Understanding Consumer Demand and Behavior 5 Production and Cost Analysis in the Short Run 6 Production and Cost Analysis in the Long Run 7 Market Structure: Perfect Competition 8 Market Structure: Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition 9 Market Structure: Oligopoly 10 Pricing Strategies for the Firm PART 2 MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS 11 Measuring Macroeconomic Activity 12 Spending by Individuals, Firms, and Governments on Real Goods and Services 13 The Role of Money in the Macro Economy 14 The Aggregate Model of the Macro Economy 15 International and Balance of Payments Issues in the Macro Economy PART 3 INTEGRATION OF THE FRAMEWORKS 16 Combining Micro and Macro Analysis for Managerial Decision

Solution : Macroeconomics (Subscription) Test Book

29.99$ Category : Higher Education Macroeconomics (Subscription) by Daron Acemoglu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology David Laibson, Harvard University John List, University of Chicago Table of Contents I. Introduction to Economics 1. The Principles and Practice of Economics 2. Economic Methods and Economic Questions 3. Optimization: Doing the Best You Can 4. Demand, Supply, and Equilibrium II. Introduction to Macroeconomics 5. The Wealth of Nations: Defining and Measuring Macroeconomic Aggregates 6. Aggregate Incomes III. Long-Run Growth and Development 7. Economic Growth 8. Why Isn't the Whole World Developed? IV. Equilibrium in the Macroeconomy 9. Employment and Unemployment 10. Credit Markets 11. The Monetary System V. Short-Run Fluctuations and Macroeconomic Policy 12. Short-run Fluctuations 13. Countercyclical Macroeconomic Policy VI. Macroeconomics in a Global Economy 14. Macroeconomics and International Trade 15. Open Economy Macroecono

Solution : GO! with Microsoft Excel 2013 Brief (Subscription) Test Book

29.99$ Category : Higher Education GO! with Microsoft Excel 2013 Brief (Subscription) by Shelley Gaskin, Pasadena City College Alicia Vargas, Pasadena City College Table of Contents Office Chapter 1 Introduction to Microsoft Office 2013 Features Project 1A Note Form Objective 1 Use File Explorer to Download, Extract, and Locate Files and Folders Activity 1.01 Using File Explorer to Download, Extract, and Locate Files and Folders Objective 2 Use Start Search to Locate and Start a Microsoft Office 2013 Desktop App Activity 1.02 Using Start Search to Locate and Start a Microsoft Office 2013 Desktop App Objective 3 Enter, Edit, and Check the Spelling of Text in an Office 2013 Program Activity 1.03 Entering and Editing Text in an Office 2013 Program Activity 1.04 Checking Spelling Objective 4 Perform Commands from a Dialog Box Activity 1.05 Performing Commands from a Dialog Box Activity 1.06 Using Undo Objective 5 Create a Folder an

Solution : Elementary Social Studies: A Practical Guide, 7th Edition Test Book

29.99$ Category : Higher Education Elementary Social Studies: A Practical Guide, 7th Edition by June R. Chapin, Notre Dame de Namur University Table of Contents Preface   1. THE ELEMENTARY SOCIAL STUDIES CURRICULUM Images of the Social Studies - Small Group Work: What Works Best? - Small Group Work: How Important Is Social Studies to You? What Are the Goals of Social Studies? - What Is Social Studies? - More Emphasis on History - On Your Own: Should It Be Social Studies or History, Civics, Geography? - Your Choice - On Your Own: Compare the Approaches What Should be Taught?   State Standards and “No Child Left Behind.” - National Standards - State Standards - Changing States’ Role and NCLB - On Your Own: What Is Your Reaction to State Social Studies Standards?        Should Values and Character Education be Taught? - Role Model - Values - Character Education - Your Decision on Values - On Your Own: What Are the

Solution : Families, Schools, and Communities: Building Partnerships for Educating Children (Subscription), 6th Edition Test Book

29.99$ Category : Higher Education Families, Schools, and Communities: Building Partnerships for Educating Children (Subscription), 6th Edition by Patricia Scully, Professor Emeritus, Towson University Chandler H. Barbour, Professor Emeritus, Towson University Hilary Roberts-King, Professor Emeritus, Towson University Table of Contents Chapter 1    Home, School, and Community Influences on Children’s Lives Chapter 2    Historical and Philosophical Perspectives Chapter 3    Viewing Family Diversity Chapter 4    Understanding Roles and Experiences of Parents Chapter 5    Meeting Child-Care Needs from Infancy Through School Age Chapter 6    Working with Families of Children with Disabilities Chapter 7    Protecting and Safeguarding Children Chapter 8    Home Influences on Children’s Development Chapter 9    Community Influences on Children’s Development Chapter 10  Establishing and Maintaining Collaborative Relationships Chapter 11  Bu

Solution : The Old Testament Story (Subscription), 9th Edition Test Book

29.99$ Category : Higher Education The Old Testament Story (Subscription), 9th Edition by John Tullock, Belmont University Mark McEntire, Belmont University School of Religion, Nashville Table of Contents IN THIS SECTION: 1.) BRIEF 2.) COMPREHENSIVE   BRIEF TABLE OF CONTENTS:   Chapter 1: The Book and Those Who Study It Chapter 2: The Geographical and Historical Settings for the Old Testament Chapter 3: Israel Looks at the Beginnings Chapter 4: Israel Becomes a People Chapter 5: Israel Gains a Home:  Joshua and Judges Chapter 6: The Beginning of the Monarchy:  Samuel, Saul, and David Chapter 7: The Division of the Monarchy I:  The Reign of Solomon and the Story of the Northern Kingdom Chapter 8: The Division of the Monarchy II:  The Story of the Southern Kingdom Chapter 9: The Exile and Restoration Chapter 10: The Prophetic Literature I:  An Introduction to Prophetic Literature and the Book of Isaiah Chapter 11: The Prophetic Literatur